Distributed network architectures as a way of generating abundance, empowerment, and to ensure the widest plurarchy

Devolutionism: all our production of knowledge - books, software, contents, even recipes - is returned to the commons, generating more abundance.

Distributed networks gave our generation the opportunity to build a new world. But this new world, based on the commons, communities, economic democracy and distributed networks, isn't completely born. And the old world, based on the artificial generation of scarcity, corporations, inequality, and centralized networks, isn't dead.

P2P means distributed networks, commons, abundance. It's the meaning of life!

The sharing economy means community, autonomy, commons, gift, joy, abundance again. It is the real sense of our core, the "how-to" of abundance, the way we live.

Why would anyone want to partake in commons-oriented peer production when they can't even imagine a future for their own community?